Throwback Tech Tip Thursday! Student Emails

I’m starting a series of Throwback Thursday posts from my old blog to highlight some of the tech tips I shared there in the past. Check in each Thursday for another tip, and see what my thoughts are now that some time has passed, and I’ve used the tip a little longer in my classroom.

This week, I am sharing a super quick tip from about a year ago…

Today’s tip is going to be super quick, because we started school yesterday, and I am one busy lady!

Have you ever found a really cool website you wanted to use with your class, but it required individual student email addresses? I found the answer last night. 
Step 1: Go to and create a Gmail account for your class. (I used [email protected])
Step 2: When signing up your students for whatever website you are using, enter this email address followed by + and a number. (For example, [email protected], [email protected], etc.)
Gmail ignores anything after a + in an email address, and sends all correspondence to the original email address.
Easy as pie! 

UPDATE: My school now uses Google apps, so I am able to use the student email addresses associated with that, but all last year, this was a great trick! I actually used the numbers assigned to students based on their place in alphabetical order, so if their student number was 12, their email was [email protected]. It worked out really well, and helped them remember the email address!

Happy Teaching, Kristen