These task cards will help you keep your classroom clean & pack your classroom at the end of the year by using your most valuable resource – your students. When you allow students to take part in the tasks of packing and cleaning the room, you’ll have everything in order by dismissal on the last day!
- 16 task cards for routine classroom pick-up
- 24 year end cleaning & packing task cards for common areas of the room
- Student checklist for cleaning & packing their own desk areas
These tasks cards will be a great activity for the last week of school. Includes tasks for cleaning bulletin boards, white boards, etc. as well as “retiring” dried out markers and supplies.
Routine cleaning tasks can be done in the last 10 minutes of school. The tasks cards can be used as a reward for students who pack up quickly. This will help ensure that your room will stay neat all year! Added bonus, when students are busy cleaning, the end of the day feels much less chaotic!
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